Thirty-second Sunday Ordinary Time
November 7, 2021 •
Do you believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ? Do you believe that at the consecration, when the priest takes the bread and the wine and says the words of consecration over them - the words of Christ from the Last Supper -that they are no longer bread and wine. That it is in fact the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ? Now I would hope that all you Catholics would say, "Yes, Father we believe."
Do you act like it?
Does that belief at all effect your life?
You see, Satan believes in the Real Presence. All of the demons believe in the Real Presence. They tremble and are afraid to come into every Catholic Church because of that Presence. They believe more than you do. And yet it does them no good. They're still damned. They're still lost.
Belief alone in Jesus is worthless and cannot save you. James teaches us that faith without works is dead. Just like the faith of the demons. It's dead, it has no life.
If you really believed that Jesus Christ is present in the Blessed Sacrament, what would that cause you to do different in your daily life? ...
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior of the world is actually physically here, 24/7.... If you really believe that this is Jesus, then when you have difficulties in your life, why don't you come to Him first? ... How many problems do you have in your life: with sin, trying to grow in virtue, weaknesses, broken relationships, and you'll talk to friends, or trusted family members all before even considering coming here and speaking directly with the Lord. Yet none of them can advise you as well as He can. Or give you the strength and grace to bear your crosses, as He can. None of them loves you as much as He does.
It's understandable why we make this mistake. You can't see Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. You can't hear Him speak to you with your ears.
But if you believe it is truly Him, you would still come. Just to be in His presence. How often do you think, "You know what? I should go and spend time with Jesus. I haven't been to see Him lately."
He made Himself bread for you just so that He could be here in this church every moment of every day. To be close to you.
How often do you think of returning the favor?
1Kgs 17: 10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44
Homily begins at 22:25