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Get Involved... St Dorothy's Ministries

St Dorothy's offers a variety of ministries for parishioners  who seek to actively live out their faith as the Body of Christ  -  both at the parish and in the wider community.  Are you called to sing? To serve?  To teach or to assist? Ask God where He needs you and let your hands be His hands on earth!


ALL adult volunteers (18 years+) in any capacity are required by the Diocese to complete the Protecting God's Children course in addition to the requirements of their specific ministry. For additional information, please visit the Diocesan Safe Environment website.

St Dorothy's
First Friday Adorers 

Each First Friday, St Dorothy's hosts overnight Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 3:00pm until First Saturday Mass at 10:00am.  The Blessed Sacrament must never be left alone. We prefer to have at least two people on the schedule at every hour.


Can you sacrifice one hour each month for the Lord? Or would you be willing to temporarily substitute for someone who is unable to make their hour that month?  


Please contact Alison Speed in the office for more information, and to add your name to the schedule. 


Father Carlson has requested that we pray and consider the possibility of increasing hours of Adoration at St Dorothy's - possibly leading to a Perpetual Adoration chapel - to strengthen our individual prayer lives, and bring down manifold graces upon ourselves and our Parish. Would you be willing to offer your time and devotion the Lord for one hour a week?  Please place your thoughts in the Suggestion Box or email the office with your ideas.

Altar Servers 

Young men:  are you a faithfully practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church?  Have you received First Holy Communion?      


Father Carlson invites you to a deeper participation in the Mass as he offers the Holy Sacrifice of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.  Are you willing to serve?


Training is provided. Servers are expected to arrive, dressed appropriately, at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the Mass. A duty schedule is put out quarterly. It is the responsibility of the server to find a substitute if he cannot serve on a particular day.


Contact Alison Speed  in the office for information, and to add your name to our list of servers. 

Our Lady's Altar Guild

The Altar Guild could be considered the "housekeeping" of the Sanctuary and Sacristy. The Guild was set up under
Our Lady's patronage by Father Kimbrough with certain guidelines for membership: 

•  Must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church; exhibit modesty in dress, deportment, and speech, and be a member of St Dorothy's.

•  Complete a period of training to become knowledgeable concerning the Catholic liturgy, Sacraments, and use of sacramentals and Sacred Vessels.

•  Learn the correct handling, laundering, and ironing of Altar linens.

•  Work with a partner member for one month in five, and in addition help as a group to decorate and prepare the
Church for Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, Advent, and Lent, or any other liturgical events.


Striving to be both a "Mary" and a "Martha," we work in obedience to the Priest/Pastor in all things.  We are behind the scenes ministry.  We hold no meetings and engage in no fundraising. 

For more information, please contact the office.




Ushers are the first face a guest or parishioner will see at St Dorothy's.  In addition to greeting people at the door, Ushers perform other duties to ensure that Mass times run smoothly.  They are responsible for assisting people to open seating, taking up the collection and completing deposit bags.
After Mass, Ushers will tidy the cards, missalettes, and hymnals, and collect trash or personal property left in pews.


Anyone over 14 years old who has received Confirmation, is qualified and invited to be an usher.


We are currently in need of Ushers for the 5:00pm Saturday and 9:00 am Sunday Masses.

For more information, please contact the office or Hank Kaczmarek or call 704-276-1563



Choir - English 

The St Dorothy’s Choir sings for the 9:00 am Mass each Sunday.  No reading ability is required, only a love for singing.  

If interested in joining, please contact the office.  Please consider this worthwhile ministry. 



Coro - Español 

Por favor, únase a nosotros para cantar en la misa del mediodía todos los domingos.


La práctica es todos los lunes a las 7:00pm.
Para más información, por favor contacte a Francisco Salgado "Coro Vadis"

La práctica es todos los martes a la s 7:00pm

Para más información, por favor contacte a Elena Berrio " Coro Los Angeles"




To assist parents in their duty to educate their children in the faith, St Dorothy's provides a family-based Faith Formation program, Family of Faith for children in pre-K through eighth grade.  Children ages 3-5 begin their formation in the  Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium.  Father Carlson offers teaching sessions once a month to assist the home lesson and our Catholic Kids Connect program offers fun, songs, activities, and games on all Sundays and Wednesday evenings  of the month. This is where you come in! 


No formal experience is necessary - just  a love for children and for our faith. You must be a currently practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church, undergo a background check, and complete the Diocesan Protecting God's Children course. Those who wish to serve in this capacity must be approved by the pastor, Father Carlson.

For more information, please contact Dyann Maldonado


Collection Counters 

Each week, the collection is counted, recorded, and deposited. Depending on the number of Counters, it may not be necessary to attend every week.  Training is provided.  Counters must be 35 years or older, and agree to a background and credit check before beginning service. Both partners in a couple may not volunteer for this service.


Contact Alison Speed in the office for information, and to request. 



Youth Ministry 

St. Dorothy’s Youth Ministry is a social and education gathering open to all youth grade 6 and above.  Adult volunteers are needed to be a part of this growing group of young people who look forward to watching movies, eating a “little” junk food, playing fun games, and always learning something  new about their Catholic Faith!


Gatherings are once a month on SUNDAY from typically from 1:30pm – 4:00pm. 
See the calendar for specific dates.

For more information regarding Youth Ministry or how to join, please contact Jocelyn Lara in the office 



Additional Outreach Opportunities 

 Visiting the homebound, cards for the sick, inactive member outreach, rides to Mass, homeless parishioners, building and grounds upkeep. There are many needs and many hands are needed.  Is God calling you to volunteer your time and talent?  Please step up!

Offer a Ride to Mass - Help someone get to Mass who otherwise could not be able attend. If you can give a lift or
if you need one yourself, please contact  the Love Thy Neighbor Ministry -Paul Anatrella or call 704-439-7896
Grounds and Improvements – contact Dan Houser or call 704-308-1769
Bikes for the Homeless – contact Knights of Columbus
Two-Can Food Program  - contact  Alison Speed or call 704-735-5575
Food for the Poor / Missionaries of the Poor  - contact  Isabel Melby
Homebound Parishioners - contact  Alison Speed or call 704-735-5575



To volunteer, please contact  Alison Speed or call 704-735-5575





In the Community

Christian Ministries of Lincoln County  Contact Mitzi Williams

CMLC operates a food pantry and a soup kitchen in addition to giving out clothes to the poor. They will provide appropriate clothing for job interviews to people need. CMLC offers many services for the homeless and is totally funded by donations and churches.


• Deliver Nutritious Meals to the Homebound - Spend a little time on weekday mornings from 10:30 am - noon delivering meals to the homebound. At St Dorothy's please contact Ralph Zello at 704-735-0063 or Mimi at CMLC, 704-732.-0383 or 704-732-2691.


• Food Pantry / Two-Can - Donations of non-perishable food items are always welcome.  Watch the bulletin and Church monitor for information and current list of crucial needs.  At St Dorothy's see Randy Marcum, 704-740-5410 for additional information. The Two-Can cabinet is located in St Dorothy's foyer directly below the news monitor.


• Soup Kitchen - Come in to help serve meals and help out in the kitchen.  Assistance is needed especially on weekends. CMLC contact for Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen is Mitzi Williams, 704-732-0383.
CMLC can also use help with painting and repairs.



Hesed House of Hope, Lincolnton, NC  Contact John Hall   704.530.1640 or 704.732.0175

Hesed House of Hope offers shelter, meals, and fellowship. Volunteers are needed to complete intake duties, serve meals and assist during overnights. Additional needs are cleaning and landscaping. Hesed House is open during the shelter season. Visit to see how you can help.



Crisis Pregnancy Center of Lincoln County  Contact Paula McSwain   704.732.3384

CPC is for women considering abortion, and also offers counseling and spiritual guidance for women in trouble or worried. CPC also offers volunteer opportunities sorting donations, cleaning up, perhaps counseling. They accept diapers, wipes, blankets, bottles - all baby items. Like CMLC, they survive entirely on donations. 95% of all women considering abortion change their minds after seeing their baby on the ultrasound. Visit for ways you can help.



Missionaries of the Poor - Monroe, NC Mission, Guardian Angels Monastery

MOP Monroe offers food, clothing, personal and baby items, first aid supplies and spiritual comfort to the poor in
Union County, NC. They also provide meals at a Union County community shelter in Monroe every 4th Sunday of the month. At St Dorothy's, speak with Isabel Melby about opportunities to donate or help.  Check their website for needed supplies list.



Don't see your group listed? Please contact us and we will update your information!

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