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Get Involved... St Dorothy's Groups

St Dorothy's offers a variety of groups in which parishioners may actively live out their faith as the Body of Christ  -  both at the parish and in the wider community.  Find a group with which to pray, witness, actively help the Church, or the people of our community. Join a Scripture study and deepen your knowledge of the faith!

Knights of Columbus, St Dorothy's Council 8664

A family oriented organization based on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.  Our local council was established March 13, 1984.  Our charter is to support Father Miller, the parish and the surrounding communities. Members also support one another.  Membership is open to ALL men 18 years and older, who are practicing Catholics. 


The Knights sponsor parish events such as Meatless Dinners during Lent, and a BBQ Fund Raiser.  The council has collected over $350,000 for intellectually challenged individuals in the community.   

We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm, and are always looking for new members. Join us!

Contact Grand Knight Jeff Davenport or call 443-414-4199 for information. 

Confraternity of Christian Women

The Confraternity of Christian Women welcomes women of any age for prayer, community, spirituality, service, and friendship.  Though primarily a spiritual group, the Confraternity answers a special calling to assist Father Miller and the parish in organization, running, or fund raising for various events throughout the year. Members are also active in volunteering with other parish ministries. 


Meetings are held monthly on the third Tuesday at 7:00pm.

For more information, please contact Mary Walsh  or call 386-871-3770

St Dorothy's Youth Ministry

St. Dorothy’s Youth Ministry is open to all youth grades 6 and above!  Come and be a part of a growing group of young people who look forward time with friends playing fun games, and always learning something new about their Catholic Faith!


Meetings are held TWO SUNDAYS a month 1:30pm-5:00pm.

See the calendar for specific dates.

For more information regarding Youth Ministry or how to join, please contact Jocelyn Lara

St Dorothy's Family Life Commission

The Family Life Commission exists to create and orchestrate activities that serve both the church family and the family units within the church. The FLC consists of parishioners that donate their time and efforts to help strengthen the family bonds. Families pray together, eat together, laugh and cry together, and support all members and visitors at St. Dorothy’s.  We operate on a budget that is funded by the church. 


Our doors are always open to new volunteers and leaders, new or better ideas and suggestions. Our greatest desire is to see families participate to help make these events successful.

For more information and to volunteer to lead this important group, please contact with

 Lydia Ellis

Groupo de oración de Emaus / St Dorothy's Emaus Group

Emaus es un programa global de Formación de Fe Católica para Adultos.

Comenzamos con La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, y continuamos con estudio de la Biblia, las enseñanzas de los sacramentos y los mandamientos.
El objetivo de las reuniones de formación es unir equipos de hermanos y hermanas Emaus que compartan su historia sobre la presencia de Dios y Jesús en sus vidas con nuevos hermanos y hermanas. Estos equipos planean y ejecutan un Retiro de Emaus cada año para hombres y mujeres.

El grupo Emaus de St Dorothy se reúne todos los jueves a las 7:00 pm en el clase de primer grado.

El Grupo de Emaus  se reunira los Jueves empezando el 6 de Enero a las 7pm

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Ruben Lopez al 704-308-7315


The Emaus Ministry is a global Catholic Adult Faith Formation program. 

We begin with the Divine Mercy chaplet, and continue with bible study, teachings of sacraments and commandments.
The goal of the formation meetings is to unite teams of Emaus brothers and sisters who share their story about the presence of God & Jesus in their lives with new brothers and sisters. These teams plan and execute an Emaus Retreat each year for both men and women.


St Dorothy's Emaus group meets every Thursday at 7:00pm in the first grade classroom. 

For more information, please contact Ruben Lopez at 704-308-7315


The Emaus group invites all members the community to join them on the second and third Thursdays of the month.

El grupo de la Divina Misericordia / St Dorothy's Divine Mercy Group 

El grupo de la Divina Misericordia, está a cargo de la celebración a la Divina Misericordia cada año, comenzando la novena el Viernes Santo junto con los feligreses, terminando el Domingo después de Resurrección.  Durante el año, los feligreses se pueden llevar a su casa la estatua de la Divina Misericordia para rezar en familia durante una semana.  El grupo puede acompañarlos a rezar si es solicitado.  El dia de la celebración se pide a las familias que durante el año se llevaron a su casa a la Divina Misericordia, traer un platillo para compartir con la comunidad. 


El grupo también están a cargo de la celebración a la Virgen de Los Angeles y a la Virgen de Guadalupe. 


El grupo recauda fondos a través de la venta de comida en el Festival Anual de La Manzana en Lincolnton.  Aunque, la comunidad ofrece donaciones para dichos eventos, los fondos recaudados en el festival son usados para cubrir gastos adicionales y/o cualquier necesidad de nuestra parroquia.  


El grupo de la Divina Misericordia los invita a rezar a través de Zoom, la coronilla a la Divina Misericordia a las 3pm todos los días. Tocaran sobre el tema: A Jesús a través de María-Santo Rosario. Si tienen alguna pregunta por favor contacten a las señoras María Luna o Alejandra Montenegro. Usa este enlace.

ID de reunión: 577 758 7734
Código de acceso: 123456


Para más información sobre el grupo favor de contactar a William Mora 704-530-5770. 


The Divine Mercy group coordinates the annual celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday which begins with the novena on Good Friday and ends the following Sunday with a luncheon.  During the year parishioners are encouraged to take the Divine Mercy statue home for family prayer.  The group could join the family for prayer if desired.   Participating  parishioners are asked to bring a covered dish to share with the community on the day of the celebration. 


The group is in charge of the celebration of Our Lady of Angels and Our Lady of Guadalupe as well.  We raise funds through donations for our events, and selling food at the annual Lincolnton Apple Festival which is used to cover any additional expenses and/or any necessity that our church may have.  


The Divine Mercy group prays the Divine Mercy Chaplet together each day at 3:00pm via zoom. Please use this link

Meeting ID: 577 758 7734

Password: 123456


For more information about the group please contact William Mora at 704-530-5770.

St Dorothy's Pro-Life

St Dorothy's ProLife group travels with other area churches each year to the National March for Life in Washington, DC.  We host the Baby Bottle fund drive, support the Lincoln County Crisis Pregnancy Center, Mira Via in Belmont, and local Rachel's Vineyard retreats. There is also the opportunity to participate in prayerful witness at the abortion facility in Asheville.

For more information, please contact the office.



Domestic Church

Domestic Church is a group that came to America from Poland.  It was started by a priest friend of Pope St John Paul II.  The program is designed to help married couples grow in faith and use the graces of the sacrament of marriage to encourage each other on their path to heaven by focusing on couples’ daily prayer, family prayer, and better communication utilizing a monthly couples’ dialogue. 

Families support each other in this endeavor by meeting monthly (about 8 couples per group) to discuss formation topics and hold each other accountable to monthly prayer, etc.  Father Miller will attend these group meetings also.  Couples attend an introductory Evangelization Retreat, then annual Family Retreats are available and encouraged.


Please contact Jessica & Patrick Kelty to inquire.
For general information visit


Catholic Scripture Study

CSS provided lessons are taught through video, reading, and lively discussion.  You will be challenged and fortified! 

“This Bible study program is rooted in sound Biblical scholarship and in the Church’s magisterium. I hope you will welcome and support this important Bible study program in your parishes.” - Bishop Peter Jugis 


Classes are held each Monday (except 2nd Monday) at 7:00pm

For more information, please contact Joe Tobin or call 704-239-4148


Women's Scripture Study

Small group bible study specifically for women meets weekly for discussion.


Classes are held each Wednesday at 11:00am

For more information, please contact Shirley Cash at 704-473-1743 




Escuela de Matrimonios

El grupo fue creado del resultado de un curso de la diócesis llamado escuela de matrimonios y estamos enfocados en el sacramento del matrimonio , y familias orantes que regresen a los sacramentos y la adoración eucarística,  y organizaremos la fiesta de st valentin
Y retiros para parejas y talleres como planificación natural en el amor...


El grupo se reúne el primer sábado de cada mes. Comenzamos en Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento a las 9:00am

Para informes: Santiago y Sarai Guardado   704-268-2721



Scripture Study
Don't see your group listed? Please contact us and we will update your information!
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