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You must learn to see Me

The Epiphany of the Lord

January 3, 2021 •

Many people even pray for that, they ask the Lord, "Lord, just one sign! Just show me! Then I'll believe. Then I'll do it! I promise you Lord." And sometimes our Lord consents and grants the miracle, but most of the time, God says, "No. It won't help you. In fact, it'll probably make things worse. I come to you this way, always. But you must learn to see Me." Not with the eyes of your body, but with the eyes of you mind.

That is the mystery of the Epiphany - to see the Truth as it truly is. And we don't need physical eyes to do that. We need faith.

If we can see the Truth, then everything begins to change for us. Our whole lives are transformed.

Like the Magi in the Gospel today, we're moved by the Truth aren't we? They're moved to leave their hometowns, travel across the deserts and present gifts to the Truth. To praise the Truth. And I'm sure they talked about this with everyone they met. "We're going to see the new King."

We unlike the Magi don't have to travel far to see the King do we? He's right here, in every Church. Unlike the Magi we don't have to present to the King whenever we come to visit Him, gifts of gold, and frankincense and myrrh.

But Jesus doesn't need those things from you. In fact what He wants from you is something far more precious. He wants you to make a gift of yourself.

Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13; Eph 3:2-3a; Mt 2:1-12

Homily begins at 20:50


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