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Life-giving Lovemaking.

Sixth Sunday Ordinary Time - Father Daniel McCaffrey

February 13, 2022 •

When you go against the laws of God, and play games with God, you pay a terrible, terrible price. ... So we should listen to the Word of God. God instituted the marital relationship and it was a beautiful, beautiful relationship that He instituted. That they join together, the two become one flesh, with the same heartbeat, they reaffirm their marriage vows. God puts great joy in the act of love for married couples. The marriage embrace. It's a very sacred event. John Paul II, the great saint, likened that embrace to something like the Trinity's inner life.

Then Blessed Trinity is a mystery. That great mystery is: that the Father generates the Son in love. And the Son returns that love to the Father. And from that love proceeds the Holy Spirit. So actually the third person of the Trinity is the Love of the Father and the Son.

Wow! That's how the marital union is an icon of the inner life of the Blessed Trinity. That's how sacred it is.

Saint Paul likens the union of husband and wife to the union of Jesus and His Church. An inseparable union. That's how holy it is.

How could we do anything in the married life to desecrate that?

But that's what contraception does. It puts a barrier, separating the unitive from the procreative element in the marriage union. The love-making and the life-giving God wants always to be together, never separated. ...

If you don't follow God's design, you're in for deep trouble, and that's where we are today.

For more information on Father McCaffrey and his ministry through NFP Outreach visit If you were unable to donate to his mission during the Mass, please use the link to our Missions appeals and note that you'd like your donation to benefit Fr McCaffrey and his work. Please keep him in your prayers.

Jer 17:5-8; Ps 1:1-4,6; 1 Cor 15: 12, 16-20; Lk 6:17, 20-26

Homily begins at 20:40


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