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In His Name

First Sunday of Advent

November 28, 2021 •

Beginnings are extremely important. For us as Catholics, we know that the liturgical year - which begins today - is not only about keeping us close to Jesus, but to prepare us for His second coming. When He comes in glory, whenever that may be, we'll be ready for Him. ...

He says that the day of His coming will "assault" everyone. I like that word. It will assault you. It's not going to come up nice and quiet... that was Jesus' first coming. The Fathers tell us He came first in silence, in humility, gently and quietly. When He comes again in glory, it will be in power, and that will be shocking for many. But we don't want to be shocked by that coming.

We need to get ourselves ready to face Him. We can do that by considering how we begin things.

We begin our prayer, our work, with the Sign of the Cross. But how often do you actually think about what it is you are doing? You see, if I'm beginning prayer with the Sign of the Cross and I'm not actually thinking about what it means and what I'm doing, then it's very likely I'm going to be as distracted during the prayer itself. If I didn't begin it well, it's no surprise I don't focus during the rest of it.

Something I want you to work on this Advent is when you make the Sign of the Cross really think about what you're doing and why you're doing it. And I'm going to tell you what you're supposed to be thinking....

These small things done well, done with love, can obtain great graces.

Father explains in depth the profound meaning in the Sign of the Cross, and in our genuflection when we come into the presence of our Lord. It's an education you might not have realized you needed.

Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14; 1Thes 3:12--4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36

Homily begins at 20:24

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